Lifeguard Training & Certification

Swim hard.
Save lives.

Both the Sherwood Family YMCA and the Clark County Family YMCA offer Lifeguard Training and Certifications.


Learn invaluable life-saving skills


Helping people gives a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Lifeguards have the benefit of being in an active environment.

Lifeguard Training & Certification

Lifeguard Training Course

Upon completing the class, participants will become lifeguards by gaining the necessary skills to recognize, prevent, and respond to aquatic emergencies. 

Participants will receive a two-year Lifeguard, CPR/AED, and First Aid certification through the American Red Cross.

Lifeguard Review Course

Successful completion of the course extends the current American Red Cross Lifeguard certification for two years. 

Participants must present a valid Red Cross Lifeguard certification and bring a copy of their Lifeguard Participant Manual.

Junior Lifeguard Class 

This course is designed to help build a foundation of knowledge, attitudes, and skills for future lifeguards. The Junior Lifeguard class will focus on developing swimming skills to help participants meet the Lifeguard course prerequisite.

The class also introduces participants to lifesaving skills, such as in-water rescues, using a rescue tube, first aid, CPR, and AED**. Participants also have the opportunity to shadow lifeguards in rotation to get a real sense of being on the job. **This class will not count as a Lifeguarding or CPR/First Aid Certification. 

Work or Volunteer at the Y

Once you have completed your lifeguard training, you can apply to work as a lifeguard. We have aquatics positions open throughout the year so that you can put your skills to the test.

Learn more about working at the Y and the benefits of joining our team.

Pick a Pool and Register Now!

Clark County Family YMCA

Register Now(link is external) for upcoming Lifeguard classes at the Clark County Family YMCA.

Sherwood Regional Family YMCA

Register Now(link is external) for upcoming Lifeguard classes at Sherwood Regional Family YMCA.

Certification courses are offered periodically, please check back later if no classes are available.

Important Information

  • Swim 300 yards continuously, demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing.
  • Tread water for two minutes using your legs only.
  • In one minute, 40 seconds or less: Swim 20 yards, surface dive 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10 lb brick, and return to start without the brick re-entering water.

Clark County Family YMCA

Register now(link is external) for upcoming Lifeguard classes at the Clark County Family YMCA.

Sherwood Regional Family YMCA

Register now(link is external) for upcoming Lifeguard classes at Sherwood Regional Family YMCA.