Improve your
Well-being & Mental Health.

Your YMCA aims to improve your well-being by offering informational talks that promote different wellness aspects.

Join us as we bring community partners to address various health and wellness topics during this class.

Some examples of physical health Y Talks are back pain, eye health, fall prevention, pelvic floor information, and balance clinics.

Y Talks also cover mental health topics, such as anxiety and ways to manage it.

Y Talks

Community Y Talks

Join us for Y Talks, where you'll explore a diverse array of engaging topics! From essential fall prevention strategies to exciting community programs, and much more, there’s something for everyone!


New Y Talks are always being added, so check back often for the latest offerings!

Y Talks

Family Y Talks

Family Y Talks are also offered and cover a wide range of topics such as anxiety in young kids and teens or setting boundaries and navigating relationships with a preteen and teen.


New Y Talks are always being added, so check back often for the latest offerings!

Y Talks

Important Information

Check back often to see our latest offerings.

Y Talks